Have had the flu for 2 weeks now, is driving me crazy.
I went to the doctor on tuesday, seems that this 14 day flu is going around and there's nothing else to do then to sit it out. It was the first time in 20 years I've been to a doctor so go figure! Normally when I'm sick I can feel it coming and simply deny it's existance until I have a day of and then succumb to it and I'm back in action again the next day Not so lucky this time around.
I tried doing some trading but I really didn't have the right mind for it and I was not having any fun doing and losing money so it seemed like a waste.
Monday I'll be back in the thick of things again though!
I did do some thinking about what appeals to me in the Betfair trading business and although I can see how horses are the best way to get a stable (additional) income it also seems a bit mechanical in the long run to me and I'd like to have a look at other sports too just as a change of scenery to keep things fresh. So I'll be looking at football (soccer if you're across the pond) and probably tennis too.
I personally like MMA a lot too but I guess betting on that would need more handicapping skills then anything else as you have no clue how long the fight will be in running. Well the maximum time is pretty clear but it could be over any second after they start. I'll have to have a look at how the prices act getting close to the match and see if there's an edge to be found there. I do have the feeling that the favorite tends to get a bit too much love in general.
I suddenly have two people following this blog! No clue where you came from as I haven't advertised it anywhere as far as I know but welcome! :-) Bit intimidating, was expecting to be alone here for a bit longer but I hope my ramblings are worth your while. Comments are always welcome and I encourage you to be frank!
Melbourne Cup preview 2024
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